Blossoms Florist

Blossoms Florist
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At Blossoms only the best and highest quality flowers are used in arranging beautiful and exotic bouquets. Blossom's Florist continues to provide fresh floral arrangements, high-quality service and customer satisfaction time and time again. Amongst our range of floral arrangements, you can also find a wide variety of silk and dried flower designs, chocolates, balloons both helium and air-filled, various gift items and an assortment of plush animals.

Our outstanding quality of fresh cut flowers, local flowers, tropical blooms, fruit and gourmet baskets matched with our professional service has earned us a reputation for excellence both locally and internationally as well as opportunities to work with celebrities.

Blossoms' Florist, P. O. Box 858

265 Cutlass Tower, Road Town, Tortola
Virgin Islands VG1110